Cover AP204

Cover AP204

Wholesale price
€7.99 net
€9.83 gross
Array ( [id] => 273504 [parent_id] => 0 [default_category_id] => 62 [code] => PKR/00279 [name] => POKROWIEC AP204 [weight] => 0.00 [pallet_id] => [is_static_pallet_id] => 0 [box_id] => 2 [box_max_qty] => 40 [is_shipping_express] => 1 [is_shipping_company] => 1 [is_shipping_company_external] => 1 [is_shipping_pod] => 1 [order_min_qty] => 10 [hasDate] => 1 [integrationType] => 1 [hasPallet] => [palletMaxQty] => 40 [palletPrice] => 35.00 [palletSize] => [paymentOnDelivery] => 1 [delivery_days] => 3 [maxQtyPerOrder] => 0 [in_warehouse] => [is_available] => [has_delivery_date] => 1 [foreignShippingModel] => [productQuantity] => 0 [datesLog] => Array ( [daysToDelivery] => 3 [daysToAvailability] => 7 ) [shipping] => Array ( [box_information] => Array ( [id] => 2 [max_qty] => 40 [price] => 35 [width] => 35 [length] => 60 [height] => 35 ) [pallet_information] => ) [shipping_methods] => Array ( [pickup_kk] => Array ( [date] => 2025-04-08 [days] => 0 [date_text] => 08.04.2025 ) [express_carrier] => Array ( [date] => 2025-04-10 [days] => 3 [date_text] => 10.04.2025 ) [promotion_carrier] => Array ( [date] => 2025-04-17 [days] => 8 [date_text] => 17.04.2025 ) [pickup_wwa] => Array ( [date_text] => 24.04.2025 [date] => 2025-04-24 ) ) ) 1 string(108) ""
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Polyester cover made from easy-to-maintain fabric PANAMA. Perfect fitting with the banquet chair ALICANTE makes it look very elegant and modern. Additional pleats at the front and back make it look rich and modern.

The advantages of polyester fabric is resistance to creasing and heavy use. Polyester fabric is easy to iron and dirt-resistant.

The cover is available in two colors: white or ecru (AP205).

Data sheet

Type soft, matt
Color white / ecru
Grammage 180 g/m2
Stain resistant no
MEXTRA Sp. z o.o.
Szkolna 15
47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle

tel. +48 531 542 542